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Wed, 08/03/2016 - 13:40


Turkish Republic with the path of brutal 13 March 2016 once again in Ankara killed its citizens. Yekhha massacre in the town  forming the Communist militants , three massacres of CHD in the name of the  Kurdistan Freedom Falcons  Organization  and Iraqi militants , Istanbul  citizens in the name of the Communist militants killed Alaman are  bent, with the recent killings of Ankara are notorious. KWU, the science test and hundreds of years revadiçin.

He, his future in dangerously see, all the arts and skills unrest facsimile. I always said, and I say now once again under the terms of the language; the  Turkish Republic; on the annihilation of the Kurds established, if he ever left the annihilation of the Kurds because of cost and die, until the Turkish Republic; He continued hostility.  ISSUE connection AKP and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, initiation, the problem with this way, starting with the founding of the Turkish Republic,  you differentiate mebayS Hassan, daughter and daughter Hassan,  in which political parties on the tree, the hostility of the state against the Kurds continue. Bizitneweya HELLRAZOR of all evil, the AKP and its leader is discharged, he attempts to protect progeny Turkish state, according to the conflict and the question for the protection they continue to remain the representatives of the Kurds in the Turkish parliament to implement this policy!

Îro dara AKP, hun bêjin Komara Tirkîya dîyare ku ketîyê nava tengasîyêk mezin, Kurdên Rojava ji wan ra bune girnawug û xewa wan direvînin, hedî hedî ew nezîkî dawîya xwe tên, ji ber vê ew bi xwe navê DAÎŞ ê, navê Kurdan û navê Bizutneweya Çep ya Tirkîyê komkujîyan dardixînin, bi vî şiklî dixwezin alîkarîya Yekitîya Dewletên Emrîka û Yekitîya Dewletên Ewropayê bigirin, “ li dijî terorîzmê” dixwezin hemu dewletên dinyayê piştî wan bin.

Penandeyan wave them in the last months of the European Union. So that the European Union can turn left and right. "Marred" the European Union by the Republic of Turkey, and the new character out hole, the Schengen Convention de facto longer, England in the European Union and others brought their enthusiasm knife. Until now the Republic of Turkey and the AKP policy "successful" sent. They want to enter the territory of West Kurdistan and Syria, want to once again Horatio Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the military ÜmUAvc ticket and organizations. They allow for the establishment of military ÜmUAvc, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and some States of Africa with a part-time appointment, looking for all the world to their backs. Professionals refineries that NATO, the USA and the EU to help them now unluckiest this direction pişgirtîyêk one of them is not stipulated by the United States here, nor by the European Union.

Because of this, they are not organized terrorism, wants to be supported against the Kurds. They are killing citizens Alaman in Istanbul, killing Terima Ankara and the politics of Christ. If predecessor cycle assessment and interpretation behind the massacres out of the Turkish Republic of France, many European rasteyetîyê know, I think Mr. Mrs. Merkel also knows that; Who is behind the killing citizens Alaman in Istanbul, the Turkish state, the verification of the terms and conditions of political, historical and economic interests will not allow that; you say, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and the state subsequently killed!

Existence and the relations of states to the statement does not allow . Here I want Head of State Alaman criticize Mrs. Merkel, you have no right so, Mrs. Merkel by jinxwsesîyê from the thousands of other men and women photos pêşvatire, she penandeyanra by man, and on the basis of historical justice role blankets.

Here we are far European politicians criticize or Emríkayí and tavanbarbikin, rastîyetêda in this regard, there is no right, we must turn to be on his knees, his mangled in front of our tenants and to see how the evidence, see how we bula his recovery and how tenants can save?

If the point to be kwirtî comments:

1-the Turkish Republic within six months of political Bashar Assad tree destroyed and there Mislamanên Sune on the world, they wanted political with this tree; Turkey, Syria and Egypt closer together, and under the authorities of the Republic of Turkey to lay new bases Xilafetek of Muslims. He planned to walk in Egypt, Mursi's political tree was destroyed, Bashar Assad in Syria is still on the political tree,  he leads binketin.

2-Bi DAÎŞ ê wan xwest li Rojava û Başura Kurdistan, Kurdan carek din li ber xwe bidin meliskirin, Kurd li ber wan netewîyan û melis nebun, wan bona bostek axa azad seranserî û beramberî ber xwe da, canik û camerên Kurdan li Rojavayî Kurdistan bexwedanek bê hempa serketin. Komara Tirk taybetî Kobanê û seranserî Rojavaya Kurdistan şikestik mezin xwer, hezaran, sîxur, serbaz û kopikên wan di sengerên DAÎŞ ê da gewer bun û cîhyê xwe di nava dojêda girtin, naha ew hevîya „çil xurîyanin“, bila Berêz Emîne Erdoğan xaremik modern avabike û “ser soza Komara Tirk bisekinê”, ew bila lingekî zu xurîyan reyî alîyê din bike, berku;dojê da xurî û murî tunin.

From that sponsored me on that; they could carry on their shoulders and "jinxwesîyekê". He can  historian  Ilbo Ortaylî  with  Axa  Darûssaade.

Republic of Turkey wanted the hands of Iraqi militants  of the Kurdistan Regional Government in the wind situation collapses, Kurdish politicians in the south will be crying and take refuge! South Kurdistan Communist militants attacks emerging  situations undeniably,  in the mountains of the earth, look no sons  , and sales of dot and women by Iraqi militants  va; Its history yêkhemcar this  way without the spirit, the heart in the history of the Kurds of Khorasan and selling the next day, just before occupying their tax nikarîyabu Fars, Monakov sitting Fars destdabu on the dot of Khorasan, but not the land on you colonial times and people had so many spheres, with sales of dot tense and women of  England against Kurdish Peshmerga Ba pêya still, they once again found the weapons and the state of freedom of a country can not be protected.

Ax li serê me hemuyan , axa taybet jî li serê Kurden Başur, ew çarek qurne salin li Başurî Kurdistan serdarin, qaşografî xwedî hiqumat polîs û Pêşmergene, hîna nikarin çekên xwe, bi destên xwe çekin, hîna wan heza polîs û Peşmergeyên Kurdistan yêk nekirîyê, hîna ew diçin li ber dara sîyasî ya Bexdayê lepên xwe vedikin. Erişa Dewelta Tirk ku bi navê DAÎŞ ê li vir hate rêxistin serneket, li paş gêjbunek kwirt, heş û aqil pîçek nuva hate serê Kurdan û wan nuva despêkî berxwedanê kirin, eger hun min bipirsin Komara Tirk li vir jî ket nava hezazê.

3-Komara Tirk bi destên sîxurên xwe borîya niftê da teqand, li dijî avayîyên Hukumeta Herema Kurdistanê xwest navê PKK êrişan rêbixînê û Kurdan carek din bi şerê birakujîyê berdehev, Berêz Murat Karayilan taf bersiva wan da û hemû guman li ser PKK yê rakir, wî bi banga xwe ruyê dagirkerên Tirk carek din da paskirin.Plana Komara Tirk li vir jî puçbu û rizî.

4. In recent days an "Enîyêkî" new political expanded UNSC calls, left about ten organizations in Turkey, the "Front politicizing" were present, some of them in forty years. TKP kewntirîn party in Turkey. We own history has ensued independent policy nemeşand, devour Kemalistanra espionage work, the other Soviet espionage. With false reports, deceived the Soviet state. The movement of the Kurdish National Movement feudal kewneperest identified, arrested, and gave them the freedom movement magistrates marred the dirty role of the flood, Deep Red disclose Republic so they continued their dirty work. Turkish Republic of the Kurds, according to the political situation of the world,  or with the name of fedodalîzmê and sharia, or with the Communist left and isolating.

Behind the murders of staff  Charlie Hebdo  in Paris in the northern Kurdistan name and ditches and organized demonstrations, with kuştdaranra their sympathy, all of these activities in the name of organization, their son with these executions, Probation and isolating.

Naha li gel Bizutneweyê Çep ya Tirkîya li Kandîlê Yekitîyêk (Tevgera Şoreşa Yekbûyî ya Gelan) hate bangkirin, ew banga dikare avê li ser dilên mîrovên pêşkevtîxwas û şoreşgerda berde, mîrov bikarê bêjê gavek dîrokîyê, pîroz be!, edî şorişa Kurdistan sernaserî Anatolîa û Tirakya yê belavdibe, demek kwirta hezên mîrovperwer û peşkevtîxwes li Anatolîa ya yê tên ser dara sîyasî, çiqas xweş tête gwiyê mîrov ne wusa?

Eger hun min bipirsin ez wusa nabînim, yêk;li paş sala 1973, Komara Tirkîya temamîya Bizutneweyê Çep girt bin kontrola xwe piranîya wan Komara Tirkîya yê ra karê sîxurîyê dikin, karê qîrej ku dewlet aşîkar nikare bike kirin, bi destên wan dide kirin, ew weku pîlên Komara Tirkîya kardikin, hemu bi hevra li seranserî Anatolîa û Tirakya yê di denggirtinêda amade bibin, ji sedan yêk zedetirîn deng nikarin bigirin, ji ber vê tu xerek wan ne ji gelê Kurd ra heye nejî ji gelê Anatolia û Tirakya yê ra heye, they isolate, marjînalin the people and the political tree.

In the beginning built on the basis of justice, magistrates ML- -tka-ML, THKO and THKP-C for the liberation of the peoples of the poor, without fear, and of course his blood, the history of a rare figures as Ibrahim Kaypakaya created the verification of the parties and political groups in the pavejoyda under the control of the Turkish Republic. Turkish Republic to be under control and brought them on the basis of wrong.  Today, their revolutionary cleansing and some rasteyetîyê rapidly.

Two; Demolished event on in the foundation of the new Turkish invaders, they want to  Communist left and the Kurds, especially the PKK among the Kurds isolate other states before he was able to say: Look, all these left and communists, diwarojda bela its success, they want to bid on the land of the East Navarro Orion October of the new organization, want to build own tree.

Believe that under the motto of this union is a message so.  Turks say did not live outings, son kissed me for what?  Naha Revolutionary Movement, I ask you   what the United Nations  was founded and from that? On the PKK out ?! Or are established in the hands of the Turkish invaders ?! Suit; the new political front, founded by revolutionaries, and my words diwarojda puçderkevin.

5-choked assume the Turkish Republic and problems with the Kurds in Europe and other countries of the world, criticized the new massacres, attempts to blame the Kurds with terrorism and tavanbarbike. You give them the opportunity and exposing them Taft.

Heta naha kesekî pêsîra wan va negirt, Bizutneweya Netewî ya Kurdistan li Ewropa bi terorîzmê hate tavanbarkirin, PKK ya ku li ser bingehya heqîyê hatibu damezrandin bi sîxurên dewleta Tirk bu Partîyekî terorîst û sernaserî dinyayê kete nava lîsteya komikên terorîst, dewletên Ewropa dest dan ser pereyê gelê Kurd, pereyê ku weku yarmetî bona Şorişa Kurdistan hatibu berhevkirin, ango xwî û keda Kurdan bu, bi vî şiklî hate tar û markirin. Komara Tirk her tim pereyê rêş „pakir“ û da pîyasayê, daxawa pereyê pak yê Kurdan bi karê sîxurên Komara Tirk, li gelek welatên Ewropa yê bu pereyê reş û dest li serda hate danîn. Daxwezîya Komara Tirk ewe ku; Kurd dîsa di kuncekîda bên girtin û destûpeyên wan bêtin girêdan.

6-for invasion of Western Kurdistan and Syria, Turkish Republic diwarojda in the major cities of Anatolia and telling the name of the Kurds and leftists new massacres against civilians, Jordan, with such racist and sharp fare constitution and the people of Anatolia bear. Water and eat Quotes occupation and kedmîtine. Because of this, think military compensating MUAVİYE rejected.

7-in Horatio Recep Tayyip Erdogan to compensating MUAVİYE military might plague the Republic of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Because of this, all of the arts and their skills against the Turkish Republic will be organized under the feet of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, attention, culture them in their temporary cooperation with Saddam Hussein Turkishness, Recep Tayyip Erdogan hevbikevin,  massacre of Kurds in western Kurdistan, diwaroj for the Union of the Turkish Republic and the Islamic Republic of Iran is not enough , sooner or later will be an accident, both pretty complicated!

8- Bi pêla berzbuna tekoşîna gelê Kurdistan Rojava û Bakur, jîyana sîxurên Komara Tirk yên nava PKK yê bike nava xeterîyek mezin, gelê Kurd her roj zedetirîn rola wan bibîne û berê xwe bide serbixweyetî û azadîyê.  Ji azadîyê şîrintir tu tamek tune , Kurdan salên last they were full, now the West Kurdistan took our people to taste, you powers can the Kurds and the Kurds' new -Silsila, so here rasteyetîya South Kurdistan.

„Muçe“ û dizîna 150 mîlyar dolarî alîkîva, pevçun, gendalî û gengaşî alîkîva; gelê Kurd li Başurî Kurdistan jî rêya rast bona xwe bidoze û berê xwe bide serbixweyetîye, sîlsileyên nu li Başurî Kurdistan tama azadîyê girtine, edî qe tû hêzek, wan carek din nikarê bike bin bandura dagirkerîye. Bîrmekin, xirabtirîn dara sîyasî ya Kurdan hezar car ji dara dagirkerên Tirk, Ereb û Fars baştire!

9-Berî mirina xwe Yaşar Kaya behsa Ergenekonê û rêxistina wê ya navê PKK yê kir, gote: „Ergenekon li her dere heye“, wî nav nedan û bi navan sîxurên dagirkerîyê aşîkar nekir, di vê hevpeyvînêda dîyarbuku wî û Ergenekonê hevûdu baş nasdikirin(!). Li paş salên heftî ya qurna rabirdî di nava Bizutneweya Kurdistan da Yaşar Kaya tunebu, car cara navê Musa Anter derbaz dibu, daxawa ew jî li holê nebu. Li paş salên heştî ya qurna rabirdî da, destekî ew li gel mîrovên wekû Prof. Yalçin Küçük bi sîwanebazê ji jurda berdan, hatin ketin nava Tevgera Şorişger ya Kurdistan, „bi zanîn rêxistî an jî nezanîn rêxistî“ wan nava PKK da karê sîxurîyê kirin,Li dervayî welat qaşografî „Perlementoya Sirgunê ya Kurdistan“ hate bangkirin, „Kekê Yaşar Kaya“ dibu serokê vê Parlementoyê, ew welat welat digerîyan, bi navê Kurdan danûstandin û peyvendîyên sîyasî dihunîyan, gelek Parlementoyan ji wanra derê xwe vedikirin, îxtiram û rêza wan digirtin, berku hertişt navê Kurdan dihat kirin, di vê katê da Berêz Yaşar Kaya dibu „şûrê heqîyê“ û êriş dibir ser Kurdên din.

Serokê Parlementoya Kurdan pewîst bu Kurd nezîkî hevbikirana. Pewîstbu ew kom û komikên sîyasî yên Kurdra bibuya star. Di wê katêda tiştekî gelek balkeşbu; wî pozberîyên nava Kurdan tizdikirin, her kî ku nedubu birêxa bin lingên wan, ji wan ra dibu dijdar û êrişên tûj dibirin ser wan. Dema edî wan karê xwe yê nava Kurdan serxistin û Kurd ji serbixweyetîyê û yektîya welat durxistin, di nava rojekê da banga feşilandina „Perlementoya Sirgunê ya Kurdistan“ kirin.

Kekê Yaşar Kaya berpirsîyarê vê Avayîyê bu. Di salan şunda wî daxwezîya Dewleta Tirk deşîfre kir, daxawa wî derheqa karê xwe û pîlûtorên dagirkerên Tirk yên nava Kurdan da zede tişt negotin, eger wî tiştek (dokumentek) şunda hîştîbe jî ez nizanim(!). Eger bi kwirtî bête gotin; wî „sir û rema“ xwe bi xwera bir nava axê, di rojên dawîyêda wî dîsa bi zanîn û rêxistî an jî bê zanîn û rêxistî“ Ergenekona dagirkerên Tirk parazt, diwarojda bila dîroka Kurdistan derheqa wî û yên wekû wî da biryarekê bide, ne ez…………..

Rema studies, the Turkish Republic of death must be remildar, Panama and their history over things şilf glare consideration, only need to be afraid of them, and their plans for deciphering.

On the basis of righteousness dîwarojek light for the Kurds and all the neighbors!

If there are known to be wrong, I fear!


14 March 2016.

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